Light Energy Healing Session
Here you can request a Light Energy healing session and you will receive the Light straight away without any consultation.
When requesting a session in this way the Light will flow immediately, usually for several hours or as long as it is needed for your particular issue. The unfolding time will be between 2 weeks and 2 months depending on your current issue. Your energetic system will be restored so, that you become more stable within yourself during that unfolding time.
Please contact me after you have received the healing session and I will send you a follow-up. When the unfolding time is complete I can recommend the next steps to take to release blockages on a deeper level.
If you like to work with essences during the unfolding time I can recommend the restoration essence. This essence takes you through a 2 months transformation and supports your progress. Please see here: Restoration
After you have booked the emergency healing focus on any blockage you would like to resolve and the Light will address those particular areas in your energy field.
Please note: in case you want to book another emergency healing session, it is recommended to wait until the unfolding time of the previous session is finished. If you are not sure please contact me.
Examples of energetic blockages
Benefits can be
To book a Light Energy healing session you click on the paypal button below. The energy exchange for this session will be £50. Once payment has been received, work on getting the Light flowing into you energetic system will commence immediately. If possible, you lie down or sit comfortably where you don't get disturbed. You can then focus on the blockages / issue you want to release and the Light will dissolve it.
Energy Exchange: £50